As the Wines Export Agency (WEA) is the marketing tool for our Champagne Maisons, our method of operation and collaboration guarantees our clients autonomy and high responsiveness. This allows us to be as close as possible to their requests and to ensure quick and efficient decision-making.

The Wines Export Agency (WEA) pooling of resources to create intelligent commercial synergies is done while respecting the identity and autonomy of the Houses. The mutualized power represented by Wines Export Agency (WEA) benefits each of them to the benefit of our customers.

Our company has given itself the means to make steady progress thanks to the balance between its activities and a geographically distributed presence. This balance allows us to better withstand the vagaries of the economy.



Wines Export Agency has 2 export offices based in  and Bordeaux (for France and other countries) and New York (for USA).

Our portfolio is diverse and represent the best in qualities champagnes sourced in France.

Their selection is carefully made by working closely with the producers.

The Wines Export Agency offices are the link between you and our winegrowers. They are a one-stop shop for all of your needs.

Our team help select wines in the market and liaise with them on a regular basis.

Choose the office you want to be in contact with:



Wines Export Agency France explore, trouve et distribue de nombreuses Maisons de Champagne sélectionnées par notre équipe. 

Chacune d’entre-elles  présente sa propre histoire,  ses  particularités, ses typicités et l’expression de ce terroir français exceptionnel et reconnu à travers le monde.

Wines Export Agency France, est un acteur majeur dans l’exportation des champagnes artisanaux.

Nous avons une position stratégique pour nos clients en étant en France, en connaissant nos vignerons et en répondant à leurs demandes avec une offre étoffée en qualité. 

Si vous êtes producteur de Champagne, et que vous souhaitez recevoir des informations sur la représentation commerciale de vos produits, vous pouvez contacter notre bureau en France en cliquant sur le lien suivant :


Wines Export Agency USA is the office of our main agency in France.

We supply ourselves directly within the diverse portfolio of Wines Export Agency France.

 Based in New York, Wines Export Agency USA is a major actor in the champagnes and french wines business. 

We have a strategic position for our customers : offer and find the best qualities from French families vineyards, and to meet their requests.

Exclusively for the USA Madame champagnes is at the complete disposal of our importers to represent our “Maisons” to companies, restaurants, wedding planners and other events, by meeting them but also on social networks.